Who Moved My
There are certain things in life that are hard to deal with. We, as humans are prone to despair and the feeling of solitude. It is but normal to brood in the moment but not for a very long time. The short novel “Who Moved My Cheese?” written by Dr. Spencer Johnson is all about our struggles in life and moving on from something painful.
Understanding the story is easy and at first you might find it unnecessary but this story would make us want to reevaluate our lives.
Who Moved My Cheese?
People change. There are times when I am a 'Sniff'. Sometimes I always look for opportunities and I always recognize them at once. This is especially true when it comes to my ambitions in life. I am on guard to things that might come my way. I always try to look for my chances at things. By far ambitious but it's the only way to be able to get to where I want to.
There's also a part of me similar to 'Scurry'. Just like him, I can quickly hasten into action and acclimate to the new environment. It is true to me immensely on occasions when I have no more choice and when I cannot, by any means, change the situation I am in. There are certain things that humans are not capable of doing or changing, for that matter. It is better to do yourself a favor and just move on and continue living.
There's also a part of me just like 'Hem'. I sometimes repudiate and traverse change especially if what is being changed is something that I've been long used to and something or someone I love is being taken away from me. It really happens to people you know. We are all just humans. We love so much and sometimes we create our own understanding of things. Sometimes, we only listen to what we want to hear. Sometimes, we only look at what we want to see. Sometimes, we deny the hurtful facts around us because it is our nature to seek happiness more than anything else. We are all weak in some sense. This is why sometimes we become just like 'Hem', who tried to resist change because he already got used to the situation.
Good thing there's also a 'Haw' in me. At times, I am easy with my existing environment but I know how to adjust to certain changes along the way and I am ready for anything to come because I know that there's always a rainbow after the rain. I know very well that good things are ahead of me, I just have to look for it myself. It is always better to be ready for anything. I have always prepared myself to some things that might happen just like life and death. I know that we are all going to die, it's just that it won't happen at the same time so I always try to orient myself to this possibility.
My Own Cheese
Just days ago, my father died. In this part of my life, he was my cheese. I was there with him in the hospital when he took his last breath. It was very painful watching someone you love slowly dying. During that time I had to be strong. I am not anymore a just a girl, I'm already 17 and I should be strong enough for this.
We all knew that this time would come but we didn't expect it to be so soon. My family, my maze is where I tried to find the courage to face this dark hour of my life. We held on to each other for support and comfort. I also had my friends to give me strength. They never left me. They were always there whenever I need them.
When my father died, I knew that I had to just accept it. Death is something that no one can change. It really happens and it will also happen even to me. All I can do is to just apprehend the fact. It is not in the scope of my ability or any human to bring back someone's life. The movie 'Who Moved My Cheese?' was shown before the incident so there eas already this idea of how to deal with the changes in my life. Somehow, I would say that it helped me. It gave me the starting point to a new life without my father.
An A-mazing Change(Realizations)
The short novel is a plain story of four creatures trying to survive but if you try and look at it and really try to understand it, you'll see its value in the human life. People, for some reason are resistant to change. It is but normal that we, at first try to contest the changes around us. The thing is, some of us doesn't move from that point. This is where the problem lies. We are all capable of conforming to changes, some of us just don't want to. We get so used to things or the people we have today as if they will never be gone tomorrow. It is important to remember that in this life, in this world, nothing is permanent. Even the color of your hair as you age changes. Even the shape of your body changes.
After reading this story or watching it, I felt good about myself because I've been doing the right thing. There are already many changes that occurred in my life but I managed to cope with them because I have this belief that in life nothing is permanent. I know that someday, along the way, I will lose and I will win. Life doesn't care about your plans. Remember, change is the only constant thing in the world. Yes, you could plan all your life but there will always be a curve or a detour or a U-turn. Even in a forecasted sunny day, there might be rain.
My New Cheese
After what had happened to me, I am still happy about my life. I still have my family. I still have my friends. They are always there for me. My family, after my father's death, became more intact. We created a stronger bond. We love each other so much and that love is already enough to compensate our loss.
At the end of the day, I'm still lucky to have many people who love me. I've already learned to let go and move on. It is really difficult and very painful but I need to do it. There's nothing more I could do but to start a new life. Having the assurance from my family, my friends and all the people around me who have proven their love to me is already enough to make me smile again.