As far as I've experienced, there are three types of teachers in Ateneo; the formal, the casual and the cool. Formal teachers are usually the older ones. They come to class, trying to portray a very respectable character. It is very evident from the way they dress, execute lessons and answer questions. It can also be seen on how they move, from those small steps in the hallway to the riddance they do from chalk dusts. Formal teachers are usually strict. They want assignments submitted on time. And because of the fact that they want to be seen as a higher being, they try to intimidate students by pressuring them to do too many course requirements in such short period of time. Not to offend anyone, but I believe that teachers from the formal clan are more disliked by most students. The second types of teachers is the casual. They are the less intense, less strict, less dressed version of the formal. I should say that they are trying to follow the footsteps of the formal. They are younger in terms of age and experience. They are the more relaxed teachers. They speak to students, not teach them. They try to communicate with the students and convey their lessons through informal discussions. I honestly think that they are better, in my case, as compared to the formal because they try to listen to what the students have to say. Of the three types, I like the casual best. The third type is the cool. Cool teachers are those who make class hours chat hours. They love opening conversations that are not at all connected to the subject. Maybe, they think that they are part of the class as a student because instead of teaching they are part of the noise. They are also frequently absent from the class. They love to dismiss the class early for personal interests. At the end of the semester, the cool clan's students just wasted their time, effort and most especially money. In Ateneo, most of the teachers are in the casual type. They are dedicated teachers. They are my favorite of the three. I have no intention of offending anyone by what I've said. This article was made to comply to a subject requirement by a teacher which in one way or another, I have no motive of displeasing.
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